“We have two PDC sleeve labelers for our ready-to-drink teas. PDC is the Cadillac of sleeve labelers. As an independent bottling plant with more than 90 customers, it’s important that we can switch over quickly. We run 8 oz. to 46 oz. bottles, PDC is the Cadillac of sleeve labelers. As an independent bottling plant with more than 90 customers, it’s important that we can switch over quickly. We run 8 oz. to 46 oz. bottles, plastic and glass, and the bottles all have different shapes. The PDC systems self-adjust with just new change parts – one hour is all it takes. This quick-change capability is huge. We’re buying a third (PDC) labeler, and it’s very beneficial that all our tooling will work with it – virtually everything matches up, except the feed screws.
We had another brand sleeve labeler – it would skip and shoot and was not very reliable. Rather than boost their servos, this thing had 5 heads. The PDC has one head and fires fast and sure thanks to a powerful servo.
Our systems are rated for 300 cpm, but I think they’re under-rated. We really push them – and get 350 to 400 containers per minute, with no issues.”