Shrink Sleeve Labeling and PDC Shrinksealers for The Dairy Industry
PDC shrink sleeve labeling and PDC shrinksealers are widely used throughout the international dairy industry. Applying heat shrinkable tamper evident neckbands, full body shrink sleeve labeling, or twin packing, PDC systems are ideally suited to the “24-7” demand, and high sanitation requirement of dairy environments.
Tamper evident applications include the application of neckbands to the tapered tubs favored by manufacturers of margarine, yogurt, dips and ice cream.
Full shrink sleeve labeling applications include bottles of flavored milk, coffee and dairy beverage, creamers and tapered cups of yogurt.
Shrink sleeve labels will conform perfectly to the complex curves of virtually any product shape. Labels can be printed with stunning graphics, allowing companies to use strong visual branding which enhances sales and increases market share. Sleeves can be applied at up to 600 cpm with exceptional accuracy.
f’REAL Foods, developer of “right in the serving cup” blending technology for milkshakes, are among the leading food products companies who have chosen PDC shrink sleeve labeling, or shrinksealers, for their products.